Qadin.NET / 10 foods that protect health

10 foods that protect health

Experts from the European Association of Nutritionists and Gastroenterologists have named the 10 most beneficial products for human health.

Consumption of fish lowers bad cholesterol levels, protects blood vessels and slows down the aging of the brain.

Rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins, oatmeal is one of the most useful products for the intestines. Oatmeal improves the activity and microflora of the intestines. This in turn strengthens the immune system.

Tomatoes lower blood pressure due to lycopene, dietary fiber and potassium, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and also have an anti-cancer effect on the body.

Some scientists consider broccoli to be the most useful vegetable. Thanks to sulforaphane, broccoli reduces the risk of gastric ulcer, stomach and prostate cancer, accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues.

Kiwi is rich in polyphenols. These substances protect cells from the destructive effects of free radicals. Polyphenols prevent the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers, have a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the body, prevent atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots in the arteries.

Grapes contain 150 (!) Substances and compounds that are useful for the human body. Grapes reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, prevent the formation of blood clots and cholesterol in the arteries.

Avocado protects the heart and blood vessels, regulates blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of diabetes.

Regular consumption of eggs protects against diabetes and stroke, slows down aging.

Garlic cleanses the arteries of cholesterol, has a strong anti-cancer effect.

Olive oil
Olive oil lowers cholesterol levels in the body, helps to normalize blood pressure.

1 August 2020