Qadin.NET / Foods that prevent fatigue

Foods that prevent fatigue

Bananas are the first food to prevent fatigue. Bananas are a source of energy, rich in B vitamins, fiber, potassium and carbohydrates. Fights both physical and mental fatigue.

Cocoa, which is a source of more iron than meat, is rich in B vitamins, protein and fiber. By reducing stress and fatigue, cocoa, a source of energy-boosting magnesium, can be added to yogurt.

Among the foods that prevent fatigue, yogurt is rich in protein, calcium and magnesium. You can eat in the morning or at night.

Eggs are rich in iron, vitamins E and B2. Converts fatigue into energy. It is especially recommended for those who do sports.

Apples, rich in vitamins A, C, E and B6, are an important source of fiber. You can easily add an apple to your list.

Almonds are a source of magnesium, protein, vitamins E and B. Fights chronic fatigue

13 July 2020