Stress, anxiety, headaches, fatigue or being overweight ... Nowadays, there are almost no people who do not experience these problems. Bioenergetics believe that these problems can be eliminated by massaging points in different parts of the body. They claim that ear massage is very effective for the body.
Ear massage has been tested to reduce pain in people with chronic low back pain. The results show that this simple massage is effective in reducing discomfort. Gently pull and hunt different areas of your ears, especially the soft part. This helps your brain secrete endorphins. In addition, your blood circulation is activated. Some studies have shown that this simple massage allows people to better manage their physical pain and even increase their tolerance to pain. If you feel stress, panic, anxiety, fatigue, massage the cavity in the ear with a slow circular motion. Painkillers have a serious effect on your health, but ear massage is harmless! Try natural remedies like mint tea and ear massage for better effect. In addition, regular massage has been shown to help you lose weight faster. Ear massage has a calming effect, so you can relax before going to bed. Although massage does not help to completely eliminate insomnia, it calms the body. You can forget to drink coffee in the morning to stay awake! Instead, try rubbing your ears a little faster. Stimulating the nerve endings in your ears can activate some centers in the brain, which will help relieve fatigue.