Qadin.NET / Recommendations for your heart health

Recommendations for your heart health

Golden recommendations that protect your heart
Salt and sugar, which are overloaded on the vessels, exhausts the heart: Body mass index above 25 and fat in the waist area are the "mother of all evil". Weight triggers insulin resistance; blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol starts with the onset of insulin resistance and heart disease If we have more than normal sugar, salt and cholesterol in our veins, heart disease becomes inevitable.

There is no difference between a branch and a package: Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths. There is no difference between drinking one period a day and drinking one pack in terms of risk.

Non-prescription sports treatment: We have a very powerful weapon to prevent all this; Sport. A very powerful weapon that prevents insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia by controlling your sports weight. It is free, healthy and over the counter. A person who has adopted sports as a lifestyle means that he has started to protect all his organs.

Stairs instead of elevators: If you say I'm at work all day and when I can do sports, here's the solution: Stairs are heart-friendly. Do not use elevators, prefer the stairs. Walk back and forth in your room for 5 minutes every hour. Remember, being active prolongs life. These movements both keep you weak by spending energy and increase your heart's performance. In addition, chest pain that may occur when you make an effort directs you to a cardiologist as an early warning system. We take the patients who come "My chest ached while climbing uphill" for examination immediately.

Compete with yourself: The second sport for the heart is swimming. Football is not a suitable sport to start after a certain age. Avoid competitive sports for your heart health.

Crown sports with Mediterranean cuisine: If sports are indispensable, a healthy diet. To eat healthy means to be fed with Mediterranean - Aegean cuisine, which is a miraculous cuisine.

12 August 2020