Qadin.NET / Ways to prevent hepatitis

Ways to prevent hepatitis

These rules are very important abroad
Be sure to get vaccinated before going to countries where hepatitis is common. To avoid hepatitis A and hepatitis E, do not consume foods that you are not sure of in the countries you go to.
Drink bottled water and eat cooked foods. Remember, oysters collected from stagnant waters and eaten raw are sources of hepatitis A.
If you have had the vaccine of the blood and sexually transmitted hepatitis B disease, check the antibody level. If you are going to stay in countries where hepatitis B is common for a long time, you should definitely have hepatitis B vaccine.

Must be disposable
Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C are most often transmitted through blood, sexually, and using a common syringe for intravenous medication. Therefore, in cosmetic or alternative treatment applications such as ear piercing, piercing, acupuncture, tattoo, manicure and pedicure, be careful to use single and sterile needles or instruments.

Continue to wash hands frequently
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we now have the habit of washing our hands frequently. Washing hands frequently also protects us from hepatitis A and hepatitis E, especially transmitted by mouth.

Do not share these items
Be careful not to share your personal item with anyone, such as toothbrushes, nail clippers and razors, manicure / pedicure tools, which can carry the blood of the sick person.

Pay attention to the mistakes that are thought to be right
Contrary to popular belief in society, hepatitis B does not go through pools. It is not transmitted from food containers, kitchen appliances, toilets and bathrooms, or by cuddling, cough, sweat, tears, insect / fly bites. However, it can be transmitted by open wounds or biting. Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C are most often transmitted through blood, sexually, and using a common syringe for intravenous medication.

30 July 2020