Qadin.NET / 4 dangers of belly fat

4 dangers of belly fat

Risk of developing diabetes
When the liver is covered with adipose tissue as a result of excess belly fat, it cannot process blood sugar well enough. This catches the sugar in your bloodstream instead of the sugar processed by the liver. This can cause you to have a higher blood sugar level that can cause diabetes.

High risk of metabolic syndrome
Developing a metabolic syndrome is a risk when you have a large waist circumference. When you have belly fat and a large waist circumference, you may be prone to developing heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

High risk of cancer
A new study shows that a type of protein released from belly fat can transform non-cancerous cells into cancerous cells and cause tumor growth.

High risk of dementia
According to one study, women with a large amount of belly fat are 3 times more likely to develop dementia. This is mostly caused by visceral fat or belly fat.

17 July 2020