Qadin.NET / Three main causes of abdominal enlargement

Three main causes of abdominal enlargement

 Abdominal enlargement can be a symptom of serious diseases.
Therefore, if you experience this symptom, be careful, consult a doctor and get tested if necessary.
Abdominal enlargement develops as a result of various disorders. These violations include:

- Abdominal obesity (accumulation of fat in the abdomen). There must be a certain amount of fat in the human body. This is a normal physiological condition. However, it is dangerous to accumulate excess fat in the body. Excess fat begins to accumulate in the abdomen, resulting in an enlarged abdomen. This is called visceral fat.

Visceral fat accumulates around the organs (stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines) and disrupts their blood circulation. Accumulation of fat here increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

The objective and most sensitive indicator of abdominal obesity is the size of the waist circumference. According to the International Diabetes Federation, a waist circumference of more than 94 cm in men and 80 cm in women indicates the development of abdominal obesity.

- Ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity). Normally, there is a small amount of fluid in the abdomen. This fluid helps the intestines to slide more easily and prevents adhesions from forming. However, in some serious diseases (liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, some heart diseases, tumors, etc.), a large amount of fluid accumulates here, and as a result, the abdomen grows. This is a very dangerous symptom.

- Tumors of the abdomen can cause the abdomen to grow.

- In women, some gynecological diseases (fibroids, ovarian cysts, ovarian cancer) can significantly enlarge the abdomen.

20 October 2020