Qadin.NET / Try these teas to combat insomnia

Try these teas to combat insomnia

Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea has many health benefits. Drinking chamomile tea leaves a calming effect on your body and helps you sleep better. It is also good for diabetics as it can help control blood sugar levels. Also, chamomile tea can help against menstrual pain.

Lavender tea
Lavender is a powerful herb that is used for a variety of purposes. Lavender tea is prepared with dried buds of lavender flowers. This tea also helps you relax and sleep better.

Green tea
Green tea is widely consumed for weight loss. It has other health benefits as well. Green tea contains the amino acid theanine, which reduces stress and helps provide restful sleep. This tea is good for your mental health as well. For better sleep, choose decaffeinated green tea.

Mint tea
Peppermint tea does not contain calories and caffeine. Both peppermint oil and tea can help you sleep better. It also supports digestion and reduces headaches. You can add lemon to increase the taste.

11 August 2020