Qadin.NET / 4 foods you should consume to get rid of the fat around the waist

4 foods you should consume to get rid of the fat around the waist

1. Apple
Let's take those who want to have a great start to the day here! Apple, which is especially recommended to be consumed in the morning by experts, draws attention with its nutritional values. Being a great source of vitamin C, flavonoids and beta carotene, apples keep you full throughout the day when consumed with oats. Of course, it's also a great fat burner! If you want to get rid of the fat around the waist; experts underline that you should eat 2-3 apples a day.

2. Banana
A great source of potassium, calcium and magnesium, bananas are a great food to combat belly and waist fat! Experts underline that consuming one banana a day will help you lose weight. A banana, which you can consume especially in the morning hours, prevents suddenly suppressing hunger while struggling with the fat around your waist. In this way, it helps you to control weight by preventing you from overeating!

3. Avocado
Avocado, which is very successful in melting fat around the abdomen and waist, contains plenty of oleic acid. In this way, it helps you feel full all day long and prevents suddenly suppressing hunger. Avocado, which is often preferred by those who want to have a flat stomach, can be consumed both in meals and beverages, especially thanks to its fiber content. Of course, you should remember that avocados contain plenty of fat and be careful to consume them in a controlled manner!

4. Cherry

Cherry, which is very useful for the cardiovascular and digestive system, regulates your metabolism and suppresses the feeling of hunger. This fruit, which is especially rich in antioxidants, provides the uric acid your body needs while lowering your cholesterol. Cherry, which is a great food to combat belly and waist fat, should be consumed fresh. Otherwise, it will lose its useful properties that we mentioned above.

13 September 2020