Qadin.NET / Men lose weight faster than women

Men lose weight faster than women

When you enter a weight loss race with a man, do not be surprised if you encounter the harsh reality that he can lose weight easier and faster. Men lose weight faster than women.

A study in the journal 'Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism' detailed weight loss results in over 2,200 overweight adults in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Each of the adults also had prediabetes, a condition marked by slightly elevated blood sugar levels.

In the eight-week study, these adults followed an 800-calorie diet consisting mostly of soups, hot cereals, and low-calorie vegetables. Eventually, the men lost 16 percent more weight than women. Women lost an average of 10 kg, men lost an average of 12 kg.

Men are slimming healthier
The good news for men doesn't stop there. As a group, the men had lower heart rate and less body fat. Also, diabetes risks were lower than women at the end of the study. The low-calorie diet had other effects on women. Women experienced large reductions in HDL cholesterol, also known as "good" cholesterol. They also showed greater decreases in bone mineral density that could lead to weak bones. Lean body mass also decreased, causing slow metabolism and weight loss. was healthier than the kind women lost.

The reason why men tend to lose more weight is due to the difference in body functioning of men and women. Physiologically, men's bodies work to burn fat faster. They have lean muscle mass and naturally a higher metabolic rate. Lean muscle mass also consumes more calories. The more muscle mass you have in the body, the more fat your body tends to burn.

12 September 2020