Qadin.NET / 6 rules to have an ideal body

6 rules to have an ideal body

Lianna Ward, a 30-year-old Australian nutritionist, has revealed six important nuances to getting the body shape you want. Ward's first recommendation is to stop eating out of stress, boredom and sadness. The nutritionist advised to find another way to get rid of negative emotions. He said it was more effective to read a book or go for a walk. It is also recommended to drink lemon water or a cup of tea. Thirst is often confused with hunger, so take a sip of water before eating.

Second, the expert recommends eating salad or vegetables for lunch. If you don't like vegetables, make smoothies. For example, a spinach made from spinach or pumpkin is very useful. The third recommendation of a nutritionist is to reduce the amount of semi-finished foods to twice a week. Try to add healthy fats such as avocados, unrefined olive oil and nuts to your natural diet. Ward encourages you to eat slowly and as needed. Adjust the amount of food by paying attention to what you eat. He stressed the need to focus on food while eating. According to a nutritionist, food should be chewed carefully before swallowing. The feeling of satiety occurs only after 20 minutes. In addition, the expert recommends more exercise. While diet helps to lose 70 percent of weight, 30 percent is responsible for exercise. It is recommended to walk ten thousand steps a day. You need to get up as soon as possible to stay fit and healthy during the working day. Finally, the nutritionist recommends drinking water before and during meals. A glass of water before a meal can prevent overeating.

15 July 2020