Qadin.NET / Those Who Do the 5 Movements of Tibetan Stay Young!

Those Who Do the 5 Movements of Tibetan Stay Young!

The condition to benefit from these very simple movements is to be done regularly every day. The gradually increased number of movements does not tire the body at once. Accordingly, you should start by doing the movements 1-2 times and complete it by increasing 2 numbers each week at most 21 times. It is not a problem to forget it once a week, but if you delay it more days, you are recommended to go back to the beginning. It is very important to breathe deeply through the nose in half of every five movements and exhale through the nose in the other half.

Let's now come to how to do these moves.

First act

Stand up straight. Open your feet slightly. Extend your arms while breathing. Your palms should be facing down. Now slowly turn around you clockwise (to the right). Keep breathing in and out through your nose. You can speed up a little bit. When you want to stop, you can close your hands together at chest level, focusing on the nail of your thumb to prevent dizziness.

Second act
Lie on your back. Keep your hands on both sides of your body with the palms facing down. Relax and breathe through your nose. Lift your head off the ground. Bring your chin towards your chest. Lift your legs perpendicular to the ground. If you have difficulty, you can bend your knees and lift them. While raising your feet and head, breathe deeply through your nose, exhale while lowering. Make sure your thumbs are together.

Third act
Stand on your knees, keeping your body straight. Place your hands just below your hips, bring your chin closer to your chest. Now, breathing deeply through your nose, tilt your head as far back as possible, stretch your back and shoulders back, breathe. As you return to the original position, now stretch your head, shoulders and arms to the front, bring your chin closer to your chest, exhale.

Fourth act
Sit on the floor in an L shape, with your legs extended forward. Keep your feet slightly spaced. Let your hands touch the ground. Bend your chin toward your chest. Breathe deeply through your nose, tilt your head back as far as possible. Imagine drawing a line on the ceiling with your nose while lowering your head. Keeping your arms straight, the soles of your feet and your hands on the ground, bend your knees, raise your body parallel to the floor, breathe through your nose. Return to the original position, while exhaling.

Fifth act
Lie on your belly while breathing. Keep your arms straight and your palms on the ground. (Like the cobra pose in yoga). Breathe out. Softly tilt your head back as far as possible. By breathing deeply through your nose, without moving your feet and hands, lift your hips up and create an inverted "V" shape with your body. (Like the downward facing dog pose in yoga.) Bring your chin closer to your chest. Exhale and return to the initial pose.

10 September 2020