Qadin.NET / How to have abdominal muscles by walking?

How to have abdominal muscles by walking?

Move your arms
Move your arms quickly while walking. This movement not only speeds up the burning of calories, but also activates your entire body, including your abdomen.

Have your wife inside
The simplest way to stimulate the side muscles is to pull the abdomen inside. Thanks to this simple movement, your breath becomes regular, your posture improves, and your abdomen and waist area tightens. Tighten your stomach and pull in while walking. When doing this, make sure your back is upright.

Climb up
Instead of going straight on your hike, choose some sloping paths. This helps burn more calories and increase muscle mass.

Increase the tempo
Walking is an excellent cardio workout. However, to increase fat burning, you should catch a tempo that will speed up your pulse and keep it for a long time. An effective walk should last between 45-60 minutes.

3 August 2020