Qadin.NET / 3 stretching movements to start the day

3 stretching movements to start the day

1. Cobra Position
Lie on your stomach and put your hands on both sides of your body. Break your elbows and touch the inside of your palms. Then straighten your elbows and stretch your chest forward by stretching your tail. Show yourself the desire to do the right breathing exercise during this stretching movement that will stretch your body well.

2. Spinal Twist
Lie on your back, pull one knee diagonally with your hands, and turn your upper body and head to the opposite side. Try to feel all your muscles during this stretching movement. Take control of your breathing and repeat the same action for the other leg. Then you can strengthen the movement by breaking both knees and turning them in the opposite direction.

3. One-Legged Dog (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Create an inverted V position on the floor by opening your legs at your shoulder alignment. Make sure your hands are in front of your head and your arms are at a right angle. Lift your right leg straight, keeping it in line with your body. Make sure both your legs are straight during this stretching exercise. While in position, take a deep breath and move to the other leg.

27 July 2020