Qadin.NET / Exercises that regulate blood sugar

Exercises that regulate blood sugar

Jump rope
Hold the jump rope in front of you, keeping your elbow close to your body. Turn your wrists to turn the rope and start jumping by pulling your abdomen inward

Don't go up the mountain
Lie on your back with your hands shoulder-width apart. In this exercise, all the strength will be in your hands and toes. Without moving your upper body, pull your right knee to your chest. Stand in this position and return to the starting position and repeat the same action with your left foot. Increase your speed to be faster.

Open your legs shoulder-width apart. Pull your right leg back and bend both knees to allow your front foot to be parallel to the floor and your back knee close to the ground. To return to the starting position, jump and refresh the movement by changing legs in the air.

12 July 2020