Qadin.NET / Rice diet

Rice diet

There are different options for this diet. We present you the most well-known and tried version of the rice diet. This diet should be followed for 2 weeks. 4 small glass jars are taken.
Banks should be numbered - 1, 2, 3 and 4. 4 days before the start of the diet, pour 3 tablespoons of round rice into the 1st jar and warm water until it comes out. The next day, soak the rice in the 2nd jar, wash the rice in the 1st jar and pour warm water over it again. On the 3rd day, pour rice and water into the 3rd jar, wash the rice in the 1st and 2nd jars and pour water over it again.
On the 4th day, soak the rice in the 4th jar, wash the rice in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd jars and pour water over it again. Keep the jars in a cool place. So, our rice is ready. We start the diet (the rice in the 1st jar has been soaked for 4 days). Early in the morning we drink 1 glass of warm water on an empty stomach.
After 20 minutes, take the soaked rice in the 1st jar, wash it under running water and pour boiling water over it (do not cook the rice). We re-soak the rice in the emptied 1st jar (according to the rules above). Do not eat for 4 hours after eating rice. Then you can have a light breakfast. On the 2nd day we eat the rice in the 2nd jar in this way and so on.
Each time we re-soak the rice in an empty jar. The next day after the rice in the 4th jar is used, the soaked rice is used in the 1st jar. Fatty, fried, salty, canned, smoked foods, cakes, pastries, pies, etc. are included in the diet. such foods are removed without nutrition. Rice is a very visible absorbent - it absorbs and excretes harmful substances in the intestines (toxins, slag, salts of heavy metals, etc.).
As a result, within 2 weeks, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed, the person begins to feel lighter, the skin is cleansed. Also, a person who follows this diet can lose 4-6 kg in 2 weeks.
11 November 2020