Qadin.NET / Do these to lose weight in the winter!

Do these to lose weight in the winter!

During the winter months, the inactivity of our movements due to the cold weather causes us to gain weight. We don't know that we are gaining weight because we wear thick clothes and are cold, and gaining weight becomes independent of us. For this reason, we decided to write you the recommendations of one of the nutritionists in Turkey, Özge Öçal, to keep your weight stable and stay healthy in the winter. Try to drink 30 ml of water according to your weight! As the weather cools, our perspiration rate decreases.
Decreasing the amount of water our body loses slows down our thirst reflex. However, we need to drink enough water for our cells to function. Because water is one of the important factors for both the functioning of our body and our freedom from toxins. For this reason, it is estimated that 1 kilogram contains 30 ml of water. For example, if you weigh 70 kilograms, you should drink 70x30 = 2100 ml of water. You need proper sleep! Sleep is one of the most important effects on the body's hormonal balance and appetite regulation. The hormone leptin, which we secrete during sleep, prevents our need for energy by affecting our sense of satiety during the day. Although the need for sleep varies according to age and personal characteristics, it is necessary to sleep 7-8 hours a day.
Take probiotics. It means "healthy gut, healthy person." Don't forget that. Thanks to the beneficial bacteria in yogurt and kefir, it supports the better functioning of our digestive system. The risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes increases, especially in the intestinal flora, where harmful bacteria are more prevalent than beneficial bacteria. For this reason, try to eat 2 glasses of yogurt or kefir a day! For a cup of green tea a day! Drinking green tea, especially after a meal, will slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the body, prevent your blood sugar from rising, and prevent your insulin levels from rising rapidly.
Thanks to its antioxidants, green tea helps to lose weight by reducing the formation of oxidative stress in the body. If you do not have blood pressure problems, try to drink 2 cups of green tea a day. Eat protein in the afternoon and vegetables in the evening! Remember; easy to cook, easy to digest. Especially if your goal is to lose weight, try to eat animal protein sources such as red meat, chicken, fish for lunch. Because digestion of proteins takes longer than carbohydrates. In the evening, if you try to eat vegetables often, your digestive system will relax and help you wake up the next day rested. Use other spices to avoid salt.
Thanks to the molecules in some foods, they support the acceleration of our metabolism. Red pepper, in particular, helps to dissolve fats due to its capsaicin content. Freshly ground black pepper slows down the growth of fat cells. If you do not have any stomach problems, you can flavor your dishes with spices such as black pepper, red pepper, ginger and turmeric, instead of salt. Thus, you will reduce the risk of edema by reducing sodium intake. The antioxidant properties of the above-mentioned spices are also very useful. Do not delay doing sports! The main effect that works the body and speeds up the metabolism is that the muscles are working. Muscles prevent us from gaining weight by increasing the use of energy in the body. If you do not have a hormonal problem such as hypothyroidism, you can increase the rate of basal metabolism by increasing your muscles. For this reason, you should pay attention to exercise to work your muscles.
5 January 2021