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History of brides

One of the most important components of a wedding is the bride's dress. Girls today make a special effort to look beautiful and try to be the most beautiful bride. What is the history of the bride's dress? Which models are the predecessors of modern bridal gowns? In this article, we talked about the stages of bridal dress fashion.

The history of the bridal gown goes back much earlier than we thought - thousands of years. The first wedding dress models appeared in ancient Egypt. These wedding dresses were made of white, layered linen.

In ancient Greek culture, women wore white cloth as a bridal gown. Because in Greek culture, white was a symbol of happiness. Women expressed their happiness through these white dresses.

History of brides

In Rome, young girls preferred yellow wedding dresses. At weddings, they wore both a yellow wedding dress and a yellow veil. Because the veil showed that the woman was married.

As for the Middle Ages, the color of the bridal gown in Europe was relative. The girls focused on the pieces more than the color. The quality of the fabric and the wedding dress had to be luxurious. The reason for this is more political. Because in the past, marriage was more of a partnership than a union of two people who loved and chose each other. The marriage of young people, especially among families with high economic status or in office, was considered the basis of a partnership or different political alliances. Therefore, the ceremonies were to show the luxury not only of the bride and groom but also of the family. Young girls belonging to the rich class chose the highest quality, most expensive, most luxurious pieces in their wedding dresses. The middle and poor girls, on the other hand, used the most valuable clothes they had as wedding dresses.

If we look at the Middle East, we see a different picture. Indian and Chinese weddings, famous for their fabrics and silk, were distinguished by their luxury and splendor. A common feature of both cultures was that long and red dresses were known as bridal gowns. Although bridal gowns are becoming more modern in China, in India they retain their position alongside the traditional "sari" white wedding dress made of bright, high-quality fabrics.

According to the ancient tradition of Azerbaijan, the bride should wear only the clothes made or bought by the groom's house from head to toe at her wedding. This is basically a shirt of fortune called "zirzama", a woolen shawl or red velvet or a sleeveless jacket called "don" or "nimtena" with a collar made of gold, or a sleeveless jacket called "don" or "nimtena". The so-called "skirt" blouse, black skirt, etc. clothes included. In the past, this set included a wedding back made of silk and velvet.

While the outer garment and veil were white and white among all Turkic peoples, in the Azerbaijani people these garments have historically been the sacred crimson color, which is considered a symbol of fire and health. When the bride is taken away, a red cloth is tied around her arms and a red turban is put on her head, which is considered to be an echo of the old fire-loving times.

6 October 2020