Qadin.NET / 9 useful tips to save money on a low salary

9 useful tips to save money on a low salary

Business Insider, in consultation with financial experts, has identified nine ways to help salaried employees save money.
1. Think the other way around
Instead of paying your bills first and then putting your money aside, set aside the money you will spend on savings first and then plan your expenses.
2. Keep a five-year plan
Financial experts believe that it is useful to have five-year plans. So decide what you want to achieve financially in five years (for example, save up to six months' salary, pay the down payment for the house) and act accordingly.
3. Set yourself rules
Make rules to control your spending. Don't spend hundreds of pounds on things that aren't critical to your life. When shopping, set yourself an upper limit for the products you buy.
4. Live like a secret rich man
Many millionaires live a simple life. Those who see them in their daily lives cannot understand that they are rich. Las Vegas millionaire David Sapper, for example, limits his monthly expenses to $ 2,500, despite earning $ 500,000 a year.
5. Plan to retire
While retirement may seem like a distant goal to those who are in the early stages of their careers, there are benefits to planning for retirement age at a young age. Financiers ask, "How are you going to retire if you spend everything else on invitations and vacations while raising money for the down payment to buy a home?" he asks.
6. Keep a budget
Keeping track of the money you spend will give you an idea of ​​how much money you need to spend to achieve your goals.
7. Get rid of debt
If you have high interest rate debt like credit card debt, getting rid of them should be your first priority.
8. Increase your income
Financiers believe that there are two ways to increase the amount of money you have: Spend less or save more. If you have a low income that you can't save, you may want to consider doing extra work.
9. Ask a specialist
An expert who will give you a neutral approach to your financial plans and goals and provide recommendations can help you save money.
13 December 2020