Qadin.NET / If the shoe squeezes your feet - do it!

If the shoe squeezes your feet - do it!

If the shoes you buy squeeze your feet, do not darken your blood, there are ways out.

When a shoe squeezes your foot, it doesn't mean you bought a shoe smaller than your foot size. Some shoes actually expand and take on the shape of the foot as they are used. Of course, waiting for this process to disappear can lead to bruises on the feet. That's why you can expand your shoes and use them comfortably in a number of practical ways.

1. Soak newspaper sheets in vinegar and put them inside your shoes. After waiting a day, the shoes will be partially soft and will not squeeze the foot when worn.

2. If your shoe has an open toe, soak the toe in vinegar, place a wet towel on the toe and wait a day.

3. Rub the alcohol into your shoes with a sponge or towel. Wait until dry.

4. Ventilate your feet slightly with a hair dryer before putting on your shoes to expand your shoes in hot weather.

5. Wear thick socks when you are at home. This way, your shoes will expand as you walk around the house.

6. Take a closed package and fill it halfway with water. Once you are sure that the package does not leak, these bags are placed inside the shoe, and it is advisable to place it where the shoe is narrow. Then put your shoes in the freezer with the packages inside. Wait for the water to freeze. The water inside your shoe will expand when it is ice, and so will your shoe. Then take your shoes out of the freezer and wear them indoors for a while. But in this case, wear socks before you put on your shoes, they will be cold because they came out of the ice.

7. You can use the expansion sprays you can find in shoe stores according to the instructions on the back of the bottle.

It is also advisable to pay attention to a number of details when choosing shoes.

- There is a difference in the size of the right and left foot. So choose shoes that are the size of a foot that has a relatively large size.

- The best time to buy shoes is in the evening. Because in the morning the legs are comfortable, it can deceive you, even by half a size. But if you buy shoes in the evening, it will be the most suitable for you. Because some feet are swollen compared to the size of the morning due to the fatigue of the day, you will not be deceived in choosing your size.

- If you have not been able to expand your shoes by the above methods, you can solve it in any shoe repair shop. It is possible to increase the size of the shoe by half by a certain process (placing the mold) so that the shoe does not squeeze from the front.

23 October 2020