Qadin.NET / 3 masks for hair

3 masks for hair

An anti-hair loss remedy

It is a proven tool to prevent hair loss, as well as to restore its beauty and strength. Scientists recommend using onions to treat hair. Ingredients: 1 onion juice - 1 part, castor oil - 1 part, egg yolk - 1 piece. All this must be thoroughly mixed. Castor oil can be replaced with olive oil. Apply this mixture to your hair 45 minutes before washing, then cover your head with cellophane and cover with a towel. The procedure should be performed once a month.

Mask to get rid of dandruff

It is known that getting rid of dandruff is not an easy task. The following ancient recipe has been tested against dandruff: Take 250 g of 70% alcohol, pour 3 teaspoons of onion peel into it and add 6 cloves. Ingredients should be stored for 2-3 weeks in a tightly closed glass or earthenware bowl. Then strain the steam and add it to the water every time you wash your head.

Hair strengthening mask

Regularly washing your hair with nettle decoction strengthens the scalp and prevents hair loss. The procedure should be repeated every 5-7 days for a long time. Ingredients: 5 tablespoons dried nettle, a glass of water and 2 cups of apple cider vinegar. Mix them and boil for half an hour, then squeeze and strain.

21 August 2020