Qadin.NET / 3 Things Dermatologists Never Put on Their Skin

3 Things Dermatologists Never Put on Their Skin

1. Home Applied Chemical Peelers
Dermatologists say you shouldn't use chemical peelers on your own, whether purchased externally or uncontrolled at home. Because these products are very harmful to use when doing skin care at home alone. It must be used for serious skin problems under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, you may encounter problems such as redness, scar, change in skin tone and allergies.

2. Fiber, Scrub, Sponge
You should avoid touching products such as washcloths, washcloths or sponges on your face. Because when you use such products incorrectly, you can irritate your skin just like a sandpaper while trying to do skin care. Moreover, if all these toiletries are left wet, they can invite acne and eczema as they form bacteria.

3. Creams Containing Collagen
According to Miami Skin Institute Founder Manjula Jegasothy, collagen is too large a molecule to be applied directly to the skin. Therefore, there is no need to pay too much money for creams whose active ingredient does not penetrate the skin.

26 September 2020