Qadin.NET / Ingilis Dili-XXIII Dərs

Ingilis Dili-XXIII Dərs

Modal fe’l:

Bildiyimiz kimi ingilis dilində fellər əsas, köməkçi və modal fellərə ayrılır.

Modal fellər hər zaman əsas fellərlə birlikdə işlənir. Modal fellər əsas və köməkçi olaraq iki hisəyə bölünür: Əsas modal fellər-can, may,might, must, would,should

Köməkçi modal fellər: ought to, to be able to, have to

Bu dərsimizdə can modal felindən bəhs edəcəyik:

Can modal feli Azərbaycan dilinə-bilmək, bacarmaq kimi tərcümə olunur. Mübtədadan sonra işlənir. Sualda can modal feli cümlənin əvvəlinə keçir, inkarda özündən sonra not hissəciyi işlənir. Keçmiş zamanda can modal feli kökündən dəyişərək could olur.

Məsələn: Mən maşın sürməyi bacarıram.

İ can drive a car. (indiki zamanda)

Mən maşın sürməyi bacarırdım.

İ could drive a car.




I can play the guitar.
You can carry them.
He can go out.
She can learn it.
It can be difficult.
We can win the match.
You can work for us.
They can buy the house.

I can't speak German.
You can't smoke here.
He can't go out.
She can't play the guitar.
It can't be easy. .
We can't win the match.
You can't work for them.
They can't buy the house.



Can I play the guitar?
Can you carry them?
Can he go out?
Can she learn it?
Can it be difficult?
Can we win the match?
Can you work for us?
Can they buy the house?

Can't I meet them?
Can't you open the window?
Can't he bring the photos?
Can't she speak German?
Can't it be easy?
Can't we win the match?
Can't you work for us?
Can't they buy the house?

İşlənmə halları:

1. bacarıqlarımızı izah edərkən..

I can play the guitar.
I can ride horse but I can't swim

2. İcazə istədikdə və ya icazə verdikdə.

Can I go out tonight?
No, you can't.


пїЅпїЅst пїЅ1

Choose the correct variant:

1.  My mother ____ a bad headache.
a) have got
b) am
c) has got

2.  Where _____ the Johnsons (live)?
a) do
b) are
c) does

3.  Margie and her sister ____ wonderful voices.
a) does
b) has got
c) have got

4.  I (not/understand) ____ that man because I (not/know)____ English.
a) not understand, don’t know
b) don’t understand, not know
c) don’t understand, don’t know

5.  ____ you ____ any time to help me? – Sorry, I ____
a) Do you have, don’t
b) Have you got, am not
c) Do you have, have got

6.  Everybody in our family (help) _____ Mummy about the house. Dad (walk) ____ the dog, I (water) ____ the flowers, and my brothers (clean) ____ the rooms.
a) help, walks, water, clean
b) helps, walks, water, clean
c) help, walks, water, cleans

7.  ____ Jane Smith (speak) ____ English?
a) Is ... speak
b) Does ... speak
c) Do ... speak

8.  The Browns ____ a nice house in the country.
a) has got
b) have got

9.  ____ you (like) swimming?
a) Do you like
b) Does you like
c) Are you like

10. ____ Dad ___ any brothers or sisters?
a) Have Dad got
b) Does Dad have
c) Does Dad has

11. ____ your sister often (go) to the theatre?
a) Is ... go
b) Does ... go
c) Do ... go

12. We ____ a car, but we are going to buy it.
a) don’t have
b) aren’t have
c) hasn’t

13. ____ Bob (know) what I want?
a) Bob knows
b) Do Bob knows
c) Does Bob know

14. They can’t go out because they ____ rain – coats and umbrellas.
a) have got
b) aren’t have
c) don’t have

15. Jack lives not far from us, but we (not/see) ____ him often.
a) not see
b) doesn’t see
c) don’t see

16. Don’t give him cigarettes. He (not/smoke) ____.
a) isn’t smoke
b) doesn’t smoke
c) don’t smoke

17. Can you help me? I (not/know)____ the way to the market.
a)am not know
b) not know
c) don’t know

18. ____ Peter ____ any beer in the fridge?
a) Does Peter have
b) Do Peter has
c) Have Peter got

19. My daughter Mary (not/like)____ apples, but she likes oranges.
a) not likes
b) doesn’t likes
c)doesn’t like

20. What’s the matter? You (look) _____ very happy.


Biz futbol oynamağı bacarırıq.

O bu dili öyrənə bilmədi.

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Onlar tapşırıqları yaza bilirlər.

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19 aprel 2011