Qadin.NET / Ingilis Dili-XX Dərs

Ingilis Dili-XX Dərs

Qrammatika: THERE IS / THERE ARE

1. There isThere are ifadələri Azərbaycan dilinə var, vardır kimi tərcümə olunur, əşyanın yerini,məkanını bildirir. 

2. There is ilə tək və sayılmayan isimlər işlənir, There are ilə cəmdə olan isimlər işlənir.
There is a cat in the garden. There are cars in the street.

3. Sualda- Is there/ are there ….? birləşməsi işlənir. İnkarda There isn't/ There aren't..... birləşməsi işlənir.
Is there a stereo in your room?
Are there computers in your school?
There isn't sugar in my tea.
There aren't spoons and forks in the kitchen.


There are some blue shirts in the shop. (Dükanda bir neçə mavi köynək var.)

There is a car in the street. (Küçədə bir avtomobil var.)

There isn't any sugar in the tea. (Çayda heç şeker yoxdur.)

There aren't any students in the classroom. (Sinifdə heçbir şagird yoxdur.)

Is there any salt in the soup? (Şorbada heç duz var?)
Yes, there is. (Bəli, var)

Are there any flowers in the garden? (Baxçada heç çiçək var?)
No, there aren't. (Xeyir, yoxdur)


1- …………… a lot of books in the library.

2- …………… any jackets on sale?

3-………… some money in my wallet.

4- ……………any cars on the street.

5- …………… any socks in your bedroom? Yes, ……………….



İndiki Davamedici zamana aid çalışmalar - Part 1

Choose the correct present continuous.

  1. Look! Andy in the garden.
  2. I TV at the moment.
  3. We a book.
  4. She the piano.
  5. Listen! Sue and John .

 Part 2

Put the verbs into present continuous.

  1. My sister (to clean) the bathroom.
  2. Look! They (to go) inside.
  3. I (to wait) in the car now.
  4. Mrs Miller (to listen) to CDs.
  5. We (to speak) English at the moment.
7 fevral 2011