Qadin.NET / Ingilis Dili-XV Dərs

Ingilis Dili-XV Dərs

grandfather              /grendfadə/           Baba       

grandmother            /grendmadə/           Nənə       

grandparents          /grendperınts/          Baba və nənə, böyük  valideynlər.       

father                      /fadə/                      Ata.       

mother                     /madır/                    Ana   

parents                    /perınts/                  valideynlər       

brother                     /bradır/                    qardaş       

sister                        /sistır/                      bacı       

sibling                       /sibling/                    bacı və ya qardaş (eyni valideyndən)  

aunt                         /aunt/                       xala, bibi       

uncle                        /ankıl/                       əmi, dayı       

nephew                   /nifyu/                       bacı oğlu, qardaş oğlu       

neice                       /niis/                           bacı qızı, dayı qızı       

cousin                     /kazın/                        əmi, xala, dayı, bibi uşaqları     

husband                 /hazbınd/                    ər       

wife                        /vayf/                         arvad       

couple                     /kapıl/                         cütlük       

daughter                 /dotə/                        qız övlad       

son                         /san/                          oğlan övlad       

child                          /çayld/                      uşaq     

children                   /çildırın/                       uşaqlar        

granddaughter         /grendotər/               qız nəvə       

grandson                   /grendson/                oğlan nəvə       

grandchild                  /grençayld/                nəvə

grandchildren            /grençildırın/              nəvələr    



  1. ___ you like to play soccer?
    a. Does
    b. Do
    c. Is
    d. Are
  2. Gabriela ___ like to watch T.V.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
    c. isn't
    d. aren't
  3. John is upset because he has a lot of homework and he ___ like to do homework.
    a. isn't
    b. aren't
    c. do
    d. doesn't
  4. ___ Betty and Linda going to be here today?
    a. Does
    b. Do
    c. Are
    d. Is
  5. Armando and Juan ___ like to play tennis.
    a. do
    b. doing
    c. does
    d. don't
  6. ___ Ms. Smith a teacher?
    a. Are
    b. Is
    c. Does she be
    d. Do she be
  7. Mary and Rocio ___ doing thier homework.
    a. are be
    b. are
    c. is
    d. be
  8. ___ Oscar know how to speak Spanish?
    a. Do
    b. Is
    c. Are
    d. Does
  9. Where ___ the bathroom?
    a. does be
    b. is being
    c. is
    d. does
  10. How ___ you like the food in the U.S.?
    a. does
    b. is
    c. are
    d. do
  11. ___ you study English a lot?
    a. Does
    b. Are
    c. Do
    d. Is
  12. Miguel is worried because he ___ have his homework.
    a. don't
    b. isn't
    c. aren't
    d. doesn't
  13. Rocio and Olga ___ coming to class today.
    a. isn't
    b. don't
    c. aren't
    d. doesn't
  14. I know how to speak Spanish, but I ___ know how to speak French.
    a. aren't
    b. isn't
    c. don't
    d. doesn't
  15. Javier ___ like American football.
    a. doesn't
    b. don't
    c. isn't
    d. aren't


1. Valideyn. Mənim valideynlərim. Mən valideynlərimi sevirəm. Mənim valideynlərim həkimdirlər.

2. Uşaq. Uşaqlar. Balaca uşaq. O gözəl balaca uşaqdır. Onun uşaqlarının çoxlu oyuncağı var.

3. Ər. Onun əri. Onun əri müəllimdir. Sənin bibinin əri nəçidir?

4. Arvad. Onun arvadı. Sənin arvadının adı nədir?  Mənim arvadım mühəndis deyil.

5. Kişi. Bu kişi, o kişi. Kişilər. Bu kişi mühəndisdir?-Xeyr, O həkimdir. Bu kişilər futbol oyanmağı bacarmırlar.


Johnny jumped over the dog. The dog was lying on the ground. Johnny jumped over it. The dog saw Johnny jump over it. The dog got up. The dog got up and barked at Johnny. Johnny laughed. He laughed while the dog barked. Johnny ran over to the fence. The dog chased him to the fence. Johnny jumped over the fence. He turned around and looked at the dog. The dog stopped at the fence. The dog could not jump over the fence. Johnny said, "Jump, jump!" The dog barked, but did not jump.

16 dekabr 2010